November 15, 2003
Run Day

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  1. Vance Nickerson - "The loudest person at run day."
  2. Mikado No.1209 ready to run.
  3. Bill Laird and his engines.
  4. Keith Bailey with full fare.
  5. Push Me, Pull Me?
  6. Doug Payne on 9944
  7. David Hannah on his 9944
  8. Doug Blodgett on the 1209
  9. David Hannah pulls from the station.
  10. Ken Smith pulls into Track 3
  1. Engineer, George Leventon
  2. All Eyes Ahead!
  3. Special Engineer Shot
  4. Vance Nickerson on 1209
  5. Apprentice Dave McCarty on Cody Crawford's Prairie
Photos of bridge construction
in Phase 3.
  1. North Swale Girder Bridge
  2. Closer
  3. South Swale Bridge-Long Shot
  4. Side View